Monday, February 25, 2013

Mama's Boys

Wyatt loves to chill and watch TV and play video games but also loves playing baseball. When he steps on that field he is all business and such a pleasure to watch play. Yes, I am one of those moms that screams and yells and cheers as loud as I can...but he says he doesn't mind...
I love my boys!!!! Just look at those precious faces:)! They fill my life with so much joy. They are 17 months apart and we raised them like twins. They are always together and rely on each other. I hope that continue that relationship as they grow into men and raise families of their own. They are each others best friend. We are so blessed to have these precious boys in our life!
Jake is full of life! He loves working around the farm with his daddy and hugging me every chance he gets. We never know what he is going to sometines I am sitting on pins and needles when he talks because I just never

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