Saturday, May 25, 2013

End of the school year and opening day of travel ball

Awards Day with friends and tons of academic awards were given to Gracie and Wyatt... So proud of these kiddos!!
Field Day for 2012-2013 school year. They had so much fun and Jake's team won the events for the day.
Travel ball season has started!!! Wyatt plays catcher. 
It's been a long day with back to back games but he is still hanging tight and doing his thing!
I am one of those moms that screams and yells and yes probably embarrasses my kid but I think he would also think something was wrong if I didn't act like a fool at the games...hehe! 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Easy stuffed shells recipe

I came across this recipe in one of my recipe boxes and thought it was time to try it on the fam:). I couldn't believe how easy and good it was.
Ingredients you will need:
Box of large shell pasta
2lbs ground beef or ground turkey
Spaghetti sauce seasoning packet
1 jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
2 cups cottage cheese
1tbsp dry Italian seasoning
13x9 baking dish

Cook pasta according to the box instructions... Usually 10-12 minutes
While pasta is cooking ....
Brown ground beef (or turkey) in a skillet
And drain off all grease when meat is cooked all of the way through.
To the ground beef add spaghetti seasoning packet and jar of spaghetti sauce.
While spaghetti sauce is simmering on the stove... In a bowl mix together shredded cheese and cottage cheese and Italian seasoning.
Drain pasta and rinse with cool water... This helps with handling the noodles.

In the baking dish put enough sauce in the bottom to make a bed or the shells to lay in.
In each shell put a tablespoon of meat sauce and tablespoon of the cheese mixture. Lay the stuffed shells in the baking dish. Once all of the shells are stuffed and in the baking dish top them with the remaining sauce and a handful of shredded mozzarella cheese.
Bake at 350 for 25 mins and enjoy!

Easy prep and the kids will love to help stuff the shells:).

Monday, March 25, 2013

Country Gal visits the Windy City

Hi yall! I know it's been a while since I've blogged but its been extremely busy around here. We have been trying to get the new store ready to open and last week Gracie an I went to Chicago for a school trip.
We had such a great three days in the Windy City. We experienced city life to its fullest! The group that we went with know how to laugh a lot and make exhaustion fun!
Our trip started with a 5 AM flight on Wednesday with 22 people in our group. We landed and retrieved our luggage and hopped on the L train to our hotel. ( what an experience on the L... Lets just say we got the true big city experience!)
We had enough time to drop off our luggage and off we went. Our first stop was the Willis Tower, only to find out that we still had an hour before it opened for tours. So, we all decided to stop in at a coffee shop to caffeine up for the day ahead.
Once we were at the Willis Tower, we ride the elevator to the 103rd floor to look out on the city. What a sight! Beautiful! The Tower has what they call the Skydeck which has a section that has glass fliers and walls. Gracie braved her fear of heights and went out so I could snap a quick picture of her with the city behind her and below!
We also had the opportunity to visit the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. It was very interesting and we were able to grab a couple of bags of shredded money to bring back home with us.
Next stop on our big city adventure was to grab us some art culture at the Art Institute of Chicago. I have to say there was some amazing art but there was some art that I looked at and thought, "Really,that's art!" For instance, a blank canvas that had been framed and a huge dead tree branch.... Really?! We all got a big laugh out of it anyway:).
On our way back to the hotel, we stopped and took some hilarious pics at the mirrored bean. I have to say, the mirrored bean was impressive to this country gal:).
We got back to the hotel via L train again and got to rest for about an hour and then headed to the Greek Islands restaurant for dinner. The food was very different and I'm glad that I got to try some different cuisine but I've learned that I'm not a big fan of Greek food( sorry to those out there who are fans of Greek food). Finally, we make our trek back to hotel in 3 degree weather.... Freezing!!!!! We all passed out after a very long and full day!
The next day we were up early again to explore more of the city and our first stop was Field Museum. It was very interesting but we didn't have enough time to see everything. After the Field Museum, we travelled public transportation again, to see Blue Man Group. Those three men were AMAZING!!!!!! I have to say that was my favorite thing we did the whole trip... (Well other then visiting the Ghirardelli store on Michigan Ave.). If you haven't seen the Blue Man Group... You must go and check them out!!!!!
That evening we visited the Hershey store and Macy's on Michigan Avenue and then went to Gino's for some Chicago style pizza:). Yummy!
The last day was an early start again. We visited the Shedd Aquarium and the Science and Industry Museum. By the time we got to Science and Industry we were all so tired we didn't get to see a lot of the exhibits.
We hopped or should I say slowly moved to get on our plane home and touched Kentucky soil a little after midnight.
We had three adventure filled days in the Windy City and loved every exhausted moment of it. I have decided that I want to go back to Chicago again... But this time to shop at all of the wonderful stores that I saw:). I see a girls trip to Chicago in my very near future:)!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St Patricks Day

Happy St Pattys Day everyone? Are you wearing your green? I hope so... Otherwise you will get pinched...ha!
I thought I would post some pics of some of my fav things that are green:).
I love limes... They are sour and remind me of a tropical place every time I get the smell if the juice.
I love the green grass on our farm because that means that spring is almost here... That's our horse Sarah:).
I love green apples...they are tart and taste soooo good in an apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
And I love this huge tree that is in a park near our farm. The kids love it too because they can climb in and up it. It's soooo beautiful.

What are some of your fav things that are green?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New beginnings

My sister-in-law has a home consignment store here in town. We are moving it to a bigger and better location! It has been so much work, but it will be worth it.
When we walked in this space it looked like someone had vomited Pepto Bismol(sorry everyone who likes that color). Every where we turned it was this horrific shade of pink and then it was trimmed out in an electric blue plastic was horrible!!!!!
We went in and in two days got the whole thing painted in a beautiful light gray shade with charcoal and aqua accents... Can I just say beautiful!
We are now in the process of working on the layout of the new store and moving some small stuff from the old location.
We have accomplished so much in a short time and I look forward to keeping you up on the progress as we get closer and closer to our "new beginning".

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rainy Day on the Farm

You know that song, "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring."
Well, around here on the farm, there is no one snoring even though it's pouring rain.

The cows still need to be fed and chores still need to be done. We are so blessed to have some guys that help us out so that we can get everything done. They are the BEST!!!!!
Maybe, one of these rainy days we will be able to be like the old man and snore all day and listen to the rain fall on our metal roof (which is one of my favorite sounds, by the way)....
Who am I kidding??????
There is always stuff to do........
What do you enjoy doing on a rainy day? I would love to hear how you spend your rainy days....

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Tribute to My Mom and Wedding Attire

My mom is getting married this weekend! It's going to be a small gathering with family and very close friends. I'm very excited!
My mom is such a wonderful lady and has always shown me unconditional love....even through my teenage years, when I'm sure I wasn't so lovable. She is funny, and full of life. I have learned so much from watching her live her life and from the long "talks" that she has given me as I have been growing up. ( I am still growing up even in my Even though I am 34 years old, I will never outgrow needing my mother or her feeling like I am still a little girl.

She has asked me to be her Matron of Honor and stand with her as she marries her love. My daughter and I went with her to pick out her dress and it looks beautiful on her. It is navy blue and silver, with a little bling on the jacket. The wedding is casual and not at all what people might think a typical wedding should be.

This is my outfit that I have chosen to wear to the wedding. I purchased it at Dillard's and both pieces were on sale!!!!! Love it when that happens..LOL!

The dress is from Catch My i and was $34.00. The jacket is from Soulmates and was $44.00.
I love the casualness of this outfit for everday wear, but I can still dress it up with accesories for a date night with my hubby.

Spending time with my family is always how i love to spend my weekends, but add my mom's wedding in there and it's going to be a great weekend!